Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Mad Gasser of Mattoon: Dispelling the Hysteria pdf

The Mad Gasser Of Mattoon: Dispelling The Hysteria by Scott Maruna
Almost two decades ago, I wrote a short little book about the alleged mass hysteria that occurred in Mattoon, Illinois in 1944 - known colloquially as 'The Mad Gasser of Mattoon'. It was in print for a while, then I released the .pdf for free...but this was 2005...and I put it on Google Books...turns out not many people use Google Books anymore, so I thought I would post a link to the free pdf here for anyone who was looking for it (as unscrupulous resellers are asking outlandish prices on Amazon).

1 comment:

  1. Scott, I'm blown away by your generosity in providing this book for free. I just read a review of it in an old issue of Strange Magazine and began looking for it; the second-hand prices do run a little high. Can't wait to read it! I'm also excited to see the Piasa painting on your blog and look forward to digging further into it. (Thunderbirds and the Piasa are a big area of interest for me.) Keep up the good work! - Kevin
